Current litigation and ongoing Cases

San Luis Architectural Protection! v. City of San Luis Obispo (CEQA challenge to the City of San Luis’s approval of 50 foot residential/commercial project that will have a substantial impact on several historically significant structures.)
Robert Hather v. San Simeon Community Services District (Federal takings and constitutional challenge to the SSCSD’s refusal to provide “will serve letter” for proposed affordable multi-family residential project.) The case settled after the
Grant Park Neighborhood Ass., et al. v. Cal. Dept. of Public Health and Harm Reduction Coalition of Santa Cruz County (HRCSCC) (private CEQA challenge to the CDPH’s certification of HRCSCC application to operate a private Syringe Exchange Program, and a claim for private nuisance)
Los Osos Sustainability Group Ongoing representation including appeal of Los Osos ADUs to the Coastal Commission, participation in the Basin Management Committee process, review and comment on San Luis Obispo County’s update to the Los Osos Community Plan ….
Notable successes
Friends of Big Bear Valley v. County of San Bernardino (Moon Camp) (successfully challenged San Bernardino County’s approval of lake front residential project.)
Friends of Big Bear Valley v. County of San Bernardino (Marina Point) (after multiple appeals, successfully obtained favorable ruling set aside project approval which had expired)
TriCounty Watchdogs v. County of Kern (successfully challenged Kern’s approval of large sub-division on the grounds that the County had failed to adequately analyze the impact on water supplies)
Sierra Club v. City of Tulare and LAFCO (Successfully challenged the City’s approval of a massive race truck in newly annexed agricultural parcels).
Sierra Club v. County of Tulare (challenged the County’s General Plan Amendment. Negotiated complex settlement agreement that results in significant improvements to the County’s General Plan)
California Oak Foundation v. City of Santa Clarita (Published appellate decision setting aside the City’s approval of a large industrial park which the City had approved without adequate water supply review)
Urban Wildlands Group, Inc. v. City of Los Angeles (challenged the City of LA’s feral cat program on the grounds that the City had failed to analyze the program’s environmental impacts as required by CEQA; resulted in permanent injunction currently in effect)
Sierra Club v. City of Tulare (Successful challenge to the City’s General Plan Amendment on various grounds)
San Joaquin Raptor Rescue Center v. County of Merced (successfully challenged General Plan Amendments allowing dairies and confined animal facilities close to natural preserves)
ABCD v. City of Palm Springs (set aside the City’s approval of a hotel at heights that exceeded the City’s own ordinance)
Sierra Club, et al. v. City of Visalia (CEQA) Challenge to the City’s Visalia’s decision to eliminate its own General Plan requirement to create an agricultural mitigation program and require 1:1 mitigation for the loss of Prime Farmland or Farmland of Statewide Importance through acquisition of agricultural conservation easements. The trial court agreed with Petitioners’ argument that the City had failed to adequately analyze the potential environmental impacts of eliminating the mandatory mitigation requirement.
Non-litigation cases
Las Pilitas Quarry In collaboration with Margarita Proud (a dedicated local group of activist), successfully opposed a proposed sand and gravel mine in Santa Margarita, in San Luis Obispo County. The County Board of Supervisors denied the project.
Excelleron Oil and Gas In collaboration with local activists (Huasna Valley Association), successfully opposed a proposed oil and gas project in the Huasna Valley, San Luis Obispo. As a result of the group’s advocacy and legal arguments, the County denied this very contentious project.